(For a full list of publications and patents see below or go to Google Scholar, DBLPID)
A novel deep learning-based object detection framework, AirFormer, for Mars helicopter is proposed. AirFormer embeds a new feature-fusion attention module. In addition, we published a synthetic dataset from the viewpoint of the Mars helicopter ** SynMars-Air**, which refers to the data collected by the ZhuRong rover. The dataset is available at: https://github.com/CVIR-Lab/SynMars-Air.
Yifan Qi, Xueming Xiao, Meibao Yao, Yonggang Xiong, Lei Zhang, Hutao Cui
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing , 2024
a lightweight model with minimal computational complexity while maintaining high segmenting accuracy is proposed. We designed a lightweight squeeze window transformer module that focuses on window-scale feature extraction and is more effective in learning global and local contextual information
Yonggang Xiong, Xueming Xiao, Meibao Yao, Hutao Cui, Yuegang Fu
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 214,167-178,2024
A novel Transformer semantic segmentation framework for Martian rock images, consisting of an encoder-decoder structure connected through a Feature Enhancement Module (FEM) and a Window Transformer Block (WTB). We built a synthetic segmentatin dataset of Martian rocks, called SynMars.
Yonggang Xiongu, Xueming Xiao, Meibao Yao, Haiqaing Li, Hong Yang, Yuegang Fu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61,1-12,2023
The first U-shaped Transformer framework for Mars rock segmentation, consisting of a hierarchical encoder–decoder architecture with a feature refining module (FRM) connected between them.
Haiqaing Liu, Meibao Yao, Xueming Xiao, Yonggang Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-16, 2023
we propose a multi-object tracking framework for videos captured by UAVs, considering motion imperfection in the following two aspects. For motion blurring, this paper proposes a hybrid deblurring module that deals with the blurred frames while retaining the clear frames, trading off between video tracking performance and spatio-temporal consistency. For motion coupling, we proposed a motion compensation module to align adjacent frames by feature matching, and the corrected target position is obtained in the next frame to alleviate the interference of camera movement with tracking.
Song Cheng, Meibao Yao, Xueming Xiao
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (2023), ExCel London
A kernek-based rock detection framework is proposed for a planetary rover. Two algorithms are developed based on Kernel PCA and LRR. We also publised a small-scale Martian rock dataset called MarsData with labeled mask for rock segmentation.
Xiao, X., Yao, M., Liu, H., Wang, J., Zhang, L., & Fu, Y
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2021)
An innovative three dimensional hazard detection algorithm is proposed for a planetary safe landing mission. A novel robust scale estimator is proposed, which can achieve a breakdown point of more than 50 percentage.
Xueming Xiao, Hutao Cui, Yang Tian
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 51, 4 (2015)
In this paper, we present a new autonomous rock detection approach through region contrast. New method deals with this issue in region level, which will significantly reduce the computational cost. Only low-level features are measured and a more reliable method is further proposed by introducing spatial factor and background similarity to the region contrast.
Xueming Xiao, Hutao Cui, Meibao Yao, Yang Tian
Advances in Space Research 60, 3 (2017)
This paper presents a high altitude hazard detection method for Mars landing. Towards safe landing requirements for future missions, hazard detection should be triggered as soon as possible. We therefore proposed a lidar based high altitude hazard detection approach, consisting of two main procedures, Terrain reconstruction and Hazard mapping. An interpolation based terrain reconstruction algorithm is proposed to model the datum surface of landing region.
Xueming Xiao, Meibao Yao, Hutao Cui, Yuegang Fu
Advances in Space Research 63, 8 (2019)
We propose a novel auto rock detection scheme via sparse based background modeling for planetary rover. Instead of pixel level image processing and pre training, we deal with the detection issue by region contrast enhancement. Our method consists of a rough detection algorithm to auto-label conservative background regions and a background modeling algorithm to precisely detect rocks. Background is reconstructed in feature space with the labeled regions as dictionary via sparse representation. Contrast map is enhanced by the error of original image and reconstructed background. Afterwards, rock is directly segmented by an auto threshold.
Xueming Xiao, Hutao Cui, Meibao Yao, Yuegang Fu, Wanqiang Qi
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE, 2018
XX/XX (2020)
AirFormer: Learning-Based Object Detection For Mars Helicopter
Yifan Qi, Xueming Xiao, Meibao Yao, Yonggang Xiong, Lei Zhang, Hutao Cui
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing , 2024
Light4Mars: A lightweight transformer model for semantic segmentation on unstructured environment like Mars
Yonggang Xiong, Xueming Xiao, Meibao Yao, Hutao Cui, Yuegang Fu
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 214,167-178,2024
PVSPE: A Pyramid Vision Multitask Transformer Network for Spacecraft Pose Estimation
Hong Yang, Xueming Xiao, Meibao Yao, Yonggang Xiong, Hutao Cui, Yuegang Fu
Advances in Space Research, 61,1-12,2024
MarsFormer: Martian Rock Semantic Segmentation with Transformer
Yonggang Xiongu, Xueming Xiao, Meibao Yao, Haiqaing Li, Hong Yang, Yuegang Fu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61,1-12,2023
RockFormer: A U-Shaped Transformer Network for Martian Rock Segmentation
Haiqaing Liu, Meibao Yao, Xueming Xiao, Yonggang Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-16, 2023
DC-MOT: Motion Deblurring and Compensation for Multi-Object Tracking in UAV Videos
Song Cheng, Meibao Yao, Xueming Xiao
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (2023), ExCel London
A hybrid attention semantic segmentation network for unstructured terrain on Mars
Haiqaing Liu, Meibao Yao, Xueming Xiao, Hutao Cui
Acta Astronautica, (2022)
A Configuration Design Method for Reconfigurable Robots Based on Terrain Understanding
Shang, Hua and Xi, Yurong and Xie, Zhibing and Xiao, Xueming and Yao, Meibao
Journal of Physics Conference Series, (2022)
A Kernel-Based Multi-Featured Rock Modeling and Detection Framework for a Mars Rover
Xiao, X., Yao, M., Liu, H., Wang, J., Zhang, L., & Fu, Y
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2021)
A fast terminal sliding mode control scheme with time-varying sliding mode surfaces
Meibao Yao, Xueming Xiao, Yang Tian, Hutao Cui
Journal of the Franklin Institute,358,10 (2021)
Robust plane fitting algorithm for landing hazard detection
Xueming Xiao, Hutao Cui, Yang Tian
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 51, 4 (2015)
Autonomous rock detection on mars through region contrast
Xueming Xiao, Hutao Cui, Meibao Yao, Yang Tian
Advances in Space Research 60, 3 (2017)
Safe Mars landing strategy: Towards lidar-based high altitude hazard detection
Xueming Xiao, Meibao Yao, Hutao Cui, Yuegang Fu
Advances in Space Research 63, 8 (2019)
Auto rock detection via sparse-based background modeling for mars rover
Xueming Xiao, Hutao Cui, Meibao Yao, Yuegang Fu, Wanqiang Qi
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE, 2018
Multi-scale rock detection on Mars
Guoqing Li, Yunhai Geng, Xueming Xiao
Science China Information Sciences 61, 10 (2017)
A two-time scale control scheme for on-orbit manipulation of large flexible module
Meibao Yao, Xueming Xiao, Yang Tian, Hutao Cui
Acta Astronautica 154, (2019)
Towards peak torque minimization for modular self-folding robots
Meibao Yao, Hutao Cui, Xueming Xiao, Christoph H Belke, Jamie Paik
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), (2018)
Optimal distribution of active modules in reconfiguration planning of modular robots
Meibao Yao, Xueming Xiao, Christoph H Belke, Hutao Cui, Jamie Paik
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics,11,1 (2019)
An Actuation Fault Tolerance Approach to Reconfiguration Planning of Modular Self-folding Robots
Meibao Yao, Xueming Xiao, Yang Tian, Hutao Cui, Jamie Paik
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), (2020)