Session talk on FHSAF 2023

presented by Xueming Xiao at

首次航天领域高层次青年学者论坛 2023

Dec 1-3, 2023

Zhuhai, China.

Session talk on CSSA 2023

presented by Xueming Xiao at

CSSA 2023

Oct 14-17, 2023

Deqing, China.

Poster on ICRA2023

presented by Xueming Xiao at

International Conference on Robotics and Automation

May 58-June 3, 2023

ExCeL, London, UK.

Invited Session talk on CSIAM-BDAI 2023

presented by Xueming Xiao at


July 7-9, 2023

GuiYang, China.(Invited)

Session Chair of ICASD 2023

presented by Xueming Xiao at

International Conference on Aerospace Structural Dynamics

Sep 15-17, 2023

Xi’an, China.(Invited)

CEC poster 2018

presented by Xueming Xiao at

IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation

July 8-13, 2018

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

IAC poster 2015

presented by Xueming Xiao at

International Astronautical Congress

Oct 12-16, 2015

Jerusalem, Israel.


Full List of presentations

Session talk on FHSAF 2023, presented by Xueming Xiao at 首次航天领域高层次青年学者论坛 2023, Dec 1-3, 2023, Zhuhai, China. 

Session talk on CSSA 2023, presented by Xueming Xiao at CSSA 2023, Oct 14-17, 2023, Deqing, China. 

Poster on ICRA2023, presented by Xueming Xiao at International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 58-June 3, 2023, ExCeL, London, UK. 

Invited Session talk on CSIAM-BDAI 2023, presented by Xueming Xiao at CSIAM-BDAI 2023, July 7-9, 2023, GuiYang, China. (Invited) 

Session Chair of ICASD 2023, presented by Xueming Xiao at International Conference on Aerospace Structural Dynamics, Sep 15-17, 2023, Xi'an, China. (Invited) 

CEC poster 2018, presented by Xueming Xiao at IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, July 8-13, 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

IAC poster 2015, presented by Xueming Xiao at International Astronautical Congress, Oct 12-16, 2015, Jerusalem, Israel. 

IAC poster 2014, presented by Xueming Xiao at International Astronautical Congress, Oct 1-5, 2014, Toronto, Canada.